Rouge Info
Rouge  MOD
Primary Weapons
Secondary Weaps
Equitment Kit

What's new at the SD Rogue Spear site...

    • 10/22/99  Long time since we had a chance to update.  Well after being moth balled for a while due to a serious multiplayer lag issue the SD mod is going public you can download it from out new mods section.

    • 08/24/99  cleaned up the site a bit, thumb nailed the uniforms, side arms and kit pages to make them load faster.   The SD mod for rouge spear is coming along great........ look for it soon


    • 08/14/99  Last update today. Check out the uniforms page.  These are all of the uniforms included in rogue spear.


    • 08/14/99  The secondary weapons page is up now too.  Please be patient when going to these pages they are very graphics intense and take a while to load.  I think my next page will be a uniforms page but I don't know if I can do that so stay tuned.


    • 08/14/99 OK their are now two weapons pages the first is the Primary weapons page, and the second will be the secondary weapons and kit page.  This page will be up later today or early tomorrow.  I also have news on a weapons mod that the sneaky dudes are testing and it is bad ass so stay posted.


    • 08/09/99 It seems the Sneakydudes have their version of deap throat and because of this we are able to bring you some exclusive screenshots from Rogue Spear.  So keep a close watch out and enjoy.  Down load my screensaver with all about 40 rogue spear screen shots. 


    • 06/11/99  Well here you have it the sneaky dudes Rogue Spear page. I will update it as possible, which should be often now that  Redstorm now has their Official Rogue Spear page up and running.  Check out the weapons page to see some of the bad ass new weapons.


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